Grow Your Business Here
We believe the greatest force for change is a job.
Our Jobs Team assists employers to create more and better jobs in Wichita Falls, as well as targets companies outside of our area and site decision influencers to demonstrate our strategic advantages.
Project Announcements
Amazon is coming to Wichita Falls!
On October 21, 2024, Amazon announced plans for a new last-mile facility in Wichita Falls which will consist of more than 125,000 square feet of warehouse. “This last mile facility will allow us to better serve customers in Wichita Falls and across North Texas,” said Jessica Breaux, senior manager of economic development for Amazon. “We’re grateful for our partnership with the City of Wichita Falls and the Wichita Falls Economic Development Corporation and look forward to sharing more details about this facility and the good jobs we’ll offer in the future.”
Tim Short, Wichita Falls Mayor, noted that “Having Amazon investing in Wichita Falls is game changing for our city and more importantly for the people who live here. I am thrilled to partner with Amazon, this will be such a blessing to our community. I look forward to our city’s future with Amazon in it. It’s a great time to be in Wichita Falls.” Ron Kitchens, President and CEO at the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce, praised the collaboration that made this development possible. “The availability of the land and community leaders with an appetite for growth were crucial in securing this project. We appreciate the work of our partners locally who worked with Amazon to make this project a reality. We look forward to building a strong and enduring partnership with Amazon.” WFEDC’s Chairman Leo Lane remarked on the impact of Amazon’s selection on the region. “I am excited to welcome Amazon to Wichita Falls. The facility marks a signicant milestone for our community, and it will strengthen our local economy and enhance the quality of life for our residents. We believe that the Amazon presence in Wichita Falls will serve as catalyst for future growth and investments.”
Since 2010, Amazon has invested $70 billion in Texas – including infrastructure and compensation to employees. The company employs 89,000 people in Texas and operates more than 80 operations facilities across the state.
On May 23, 2024, Westlake Pipe & Fittings, a division of Westlake Corporation (NYSE: WLK), announced plans to expand its operations in Wichita Falls, Texas, with a new 190,000-square-foot PVCO pipe manufacturing facility. This project, developed in partnership with the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce and supported by the City of Wichita Falls and Wichita County, will add 38 new full-time jobs to Westlake’s current 64-person workforce. This investment not only advances Westlake’s innovative PVCO technology, which offers enhanced performance and reduced environmental impact, but also solidifies Wichita Falls as a key player in the company’s growth strategy. Mayor Tim Short and Judge Jim Johnson both celebrated this milestone, recognizing the positive impact on the community and local economy. Ron Kitchens, President of the Wichita Falls Chamber of Commerce, highlighted the project as a historic investment, achieved through collaboration and shared commitment to economic development. For more information, visit Westlake Pipe & Fittings or Westlake Corporation for more information.
Our Services
Existing Business Consultations: Meet with existing primary industry sector business leaders to stay informed about their opportunities and challenges and ensure that our community has the resources businesses need to stay and grow here.
Targeted Outreach: Proactively reach out to business leaders and site consultants in targeted industry sectors to promote Wichita Falls as a must-see location for business investment.
Workforce Analytics: Invest in and offer information about workforce costs, quality and availability to help existing businesses and target attraction efforts toward companies whose worker needs match the skill sets of those available in the Wichita Falls area.
Economic Impact Analyses: Evaluate the economic impact of capital investments, jobs and tax revenues of proposed projects to confirm that incentives offered have a net-positive impact to the community.
Strategic Support Services: Acquire relevant data and develop materials to promote the region to attract and retain primary industry sector businesses.
Targeted Industries
Wichita Falls has targeted the industries below based on their historic presence, current employment, market trends, local interest, supportive business environment and availability of resources.
Business Support Services
Military Suppliers

The Wichita Falls Economic Development Corporation (WFEDC) is authorized to provide a robust package of incentives. There are several incentive programs currently available at the local level, in addition to those offered by the state of Texas.
Forgivable loans are made to businesses that (1) create new jobs and retain employees and (2) make new capital investments.
Cash for Jobs Reimbursements are available to businesses that create new positions and retain new hires for at least six (6) months.
Relocating Workers Reimbursements are available to businesses that are relocating workers from outside the area to support business growth in Wichita Falls.
Property Tax Abatements are available to businesses making new taxable capital investments ― whether new build or purchase of machinery and equipment. The typical property tax abatement is for 10 years and offers a 100% abatement in year one with annual 10% step downs.
2023 PROPERTY TAX RATES (at $100 of assessed value):
• City of Wichita Falls: $0.763323
• Wichita Falls Independent School District (ISD): $1.150000
• Wichita County: $0.671815
• Total Mill Rate: $2.585138
The WFEDC owns a first-class 535-acre business park, designed to serve the needs of manufacturers, distributors, high-tech operations and others wanting an attractive, efficient and cost-competitive location.
The park has water, sanitary and storm sewer, electric, gas and fiber. Fiber service is provided by AT&T with two 72-strand fibers coming into the park providing switched ethernet service with speeds of 5 MB to 1 GB Dual feed fiber and diverse routing from the Central Office is available in the park.
There is a $10 million infrastructure upgrade underway with a 2024 completion date.
The listed land price is $1.625 per square foot; however, this is negotiable based upon the quality of the project being proposed.
Current park residents include Pratt & Whitney, FederalExpress Ground, Old Dominion Freightways and Wichita Clutch.
The state of Texas imposes a 6.25% sales tax on retail sales, leases and rentals of most goods, as well as on many business services. The City of Wichita Falls imposes and additional 2.00% sales tax for a combined rate of 8.25%.
In Texas, businesses purchasing tangible personal property used to make a chemical or physical change in a product being manufactured, or considered necessary and essential in the manufacturing process, are exempt from paying sales tax.
Texas businesses are also exempt from state and local sales tax on purchases of manufacturing machinery and equipment, natural gas and electric consumed in the manufacturing process or by data centers.
The state of Texas offers many valuable incentives for businesses. You can learn more about these programs by clicking on the links below.
• Brownfield Site Assessment Funds
• Original Capital Access Program
• Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
• Texas Enterprise Zone Program
• Texas Redevelopment Zone Program
Companies are eligible for a 100% exemption on City, County and School taxes on inventory that leaves the state within 175 days of arrival. This incentive requires no prior approvals and is in effect as long as the company has qualifying inventory.
Current infrastructure in the Wichita Falls area and continuous improvements to that infrastructure ensures businesses and residents alike can readily connect beyond our borders.
Located five miles from downtown Wichita Falls, the Wichita Falls Regional Airport (KSPS) offers daily flights to Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, the second busiest airport in the nation. The Wichita Falls Regional Airport in conjunction with Sheppard Air Force Base (SAFB), maintains four (4) runways for commercial air service. The largest, 13,100 feet by 300 feet, is located and leases the land to the City of Wichita Falls.
The Kickapoo Downtown Airport (KCWC) is a public airfield able to support most business jets and helicopters with a runway length of 4,450 feet.
Burlington Northern SantaFe Railway (BNSF) operates a Class 1 line through Wichita Falls. The Wichita, Tillman and Jackson Railway Company (WTJR) serves the industrial customers in the area. Freight handling is offered at a rail yard located in downtown Wichita Falls.
The electric grid has several intrastate transmission lines capable of providing power for even the largest loads at highly-competitive rates.
The state of Texas is a deregulated electric service state. Commercial, industrial and residential customers may choose their electric service provider. Oncor provides the energy delivery to all businesses in the Wichita Falls Area.
Atmos Energy, the area’s gas provider, continues to invest in new and larger lines for its distribution system. While Atmos provides service to commercial and industrial users, many larger consumers buy on-the-spot market blocks and utilize Atmos for delivery.
Wichita Falls has become a leader in recycling wastewater to add over 10 million gallons per day (MDG) to the water supply through its direct and indirect potable reuse projects. The City of Wichita Falls is fed by two lakes, Lake Arrowhead and Lake Kickapoo. Further plans are underway to create a third lake as well.
The current system offers:
• 88 MGD
• System Peak Daily Demand of 48 MGD
• System Average Daily Demand of 15 MGD
• System Average Daily Excess Capacity of 63 MGD
The City of Wichita Falls operates three sewage treatment plans. The current system offers:
• System Average Daily Treatment Capacity of 20.5 Million Gallons Per Day (MGD)
• System Peak Daily Demand of 42 MGD
• System Average Daily Demand of 12 MGD
• System Average Daily Excess Capacity of 8.5 MGD
The entire City of Wichita Falls and surrounding areas are connected via fiber. AT&T has three digital switches at the Central Office and has migrated to a Software Defined Network (SDN). Three POPs serve the City — SBC, AT&T and MCI.
Wichita Falls is located in North-central Texas and has an extensive freight-weighted road system. Directly served by Interstate 44, US highways 82, 281, 277 and 287 and Texas Route 79, the city is 90 minutes northwest of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and one hour and 45 minutes south of Oklahoma City.
Falls Ride, the Wichita Falls Transit system, provides public access for the City of Wichita Falls. Falls Ride offers riders a GPS tracking option to plan routes, monitor bus schedules and track bus locations in real time.

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“The Wichita Falls Chamber has been integral to our business’s success in a lot of different ways … They’re a connector of dots.”
— Michael Stanford, President, Sharp Iron Group
Members of our Jobs Team stand ready to serve and partner with you to grow your business in Wichita Falls.
Victoria Pratt
Moriah Williams