We believe the greatest force for change is a job.
A job gives an individual the opportunity to change their life’s trajectory toward the positive by affording them the ability to support themselves and their family, build a sense of identity, learn new skills and understand the world better. Having job allows an individual and their loved ones the ability to move upward through every facet of the community in which they live and work creating a cycle of continued growth for the greater good.
Since its foundation in 1901, the Wichita Falls Chamber has focused its work on the combined process of economic development and business support. These efforts require that we bring multiple partners together in different ways at different times depending on the situation with both tangible and intangible outcomes.
In short, the Wichita Falls Chamber endeavors to make businesses successful so our community can thrive.
How the Economic Development Cycle Works
When a new business is attracted to Wichita Falls or an existing one grows, wages paid by these businesses to their employees result in:
Retail establishments and restaurants popping up to provide goods and services needed and wanted by employees and citizens.
Support of social programs.
Continuance of philanthropic efforts for charities, the arts and culture.
Strengthening of places of worship.
Additionally, taxes paid by both businesses and their employees to government units fund police and fire services; the beautification of parks and other amenities; educational systems; infrastructure like roads, sidewalks and bridges; waste disposal systems, water and sewer lines, water distribution and purification facilities; and affordable housing options.
More jobs and better jobs make our community a more desirable place to work and live!
When we get it right, the long-term impact has the potential to be significant.
Every thing that we do is guided by our mission to build more and better jobs through economic development and business support.
We exist to help build a vibrant and engaged community where all people have access to opportunities and more and better jobs.
We are committed to bringing together people, perspectives and ideas to help create deeper bonds between individuals and organizations.